Beowulf: Translations by A. Wigfall Green (1935)

Click for a larger version (900 pixels high) Beowulf: A Literal Translation Bruce Humphries, Inc., Boston, 1935. ISBN: none.
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[lines 194-224a in section III and 8th line from the bottom of folio 134r to 4th line from the bottom of folio 134v on Kevin S. Kiernan's Electronic Beowulf CD] Images of the original manuscript text of this section, and an mp3 file of Ben Slade reading it in Old English, are here.

    {Beowulf hears about Grendel and decides to travel from his home in Geatland (southern Sweden) to Heorot (in northeast Denmark) to see if he can help out. }

   That at home heard     thane of Hygelac,
Good one among Geats,     of deeds of Grendel;
He was of mankind     strongest of main
In the day     of this life,
Noble and mighty.     He commanded for him ship
Good to gear;     he said, he war-king
Over swan-road     would seek,
Famous king,     when to him was need of men.
The expedition him     wise churls
Little blamed for,     though he to them was dear;
They whetted on strong-minded one;     good luck they saw.
The good one had     of peoples of Geats
Warriors chosen,     of those whom he keenest
Might find;     he, one of fifteen,
Sought sound-wood;     warrior pointed out,
Lake-crafty man,     landmarks.
Time forth departed;     float was on waves,
Boat under cliff.     Bairns ready
On stem stepped up,--     streams wound about,
Sound against sand;     men bore
On bosom of ship     bright ornaments,
War-gears splendid;     men shoved out,
Men on wished-for journey,     bound wood.
Departed then over wave-sea,     by wind impelled,
Float foamy-necked,     likest to fowl,
Until about same time     of next day
Wound stem     had advanced;
So that the seafarers     land saw,
Brim-cliffs shine,     shores steep,
Large sea-nesses;     then was sound traversed,
At end of voyage.     ---

[lines 791-819a in section XII and 8th line from the top of folio 147r to 13th line from the top of folio 147v on Kevin S. Kiernan's Electronic Beowulf CD] Images of the original manuscript text of this section, and an mp3 file of Ben Slade reading it in Old English, are here.

    {At this moment Beowulf and Grendel are fighting and Grendel is howling and screaming and wishing to escape but Beowulf has grabbed Grendel's arm and is using his incredible hand-strength to hold on to him. }

   Protector of earls would not     for anything
The qualm-comer     release quick,
Nor his lfe-days     to any peoples
Considered he useful.     There most abundantly brandished
Earl-band of Beowulf     time-honored heirloom;
Wished of noble lord     to defend life,
Of glorious lord,     where they might so.
They this thing knew not,     when they fought fight,
Brave-minded     battle-warriors,
And on each of halves     though to hew,
To seek soul:     the sin-scather
Choice of irons,     any upon earth,
Any of war-weapons,     would not harm;
But he victory-weapons     had forsworn,
Each of edges.     His death was destined
On that day     of this life
To become miserable,     and the alien spirit
In power of enemies     to travel far. --
Then this thing found out     he who before many
A marring of mind     of kin of men,
Of crime, performed--     he, in feud with God,--
That him the body     would not last,
But him the courageous     kinsman of Hygelac
Had by hand;     each was to other
Living foe.     Body-sore experienced
Terrible demon;     on shoulder of him became
Very great wound manifest;     sinews sprang asunder;
Bone-lockers burst.     To Beowulf was
Given glory in battle;

[lines 1537-1569 in sections XXII and XXIII and 5th line from the bottom of folio 163v, through folio 164r to 4th line from the top of folio 164v on Kevin S. Kiernan's Electronic Beowulf CD] Images of the original manuscript text of this section, and an mp3 file of Ben Slade reading it in Old English, are here. Note: there is a discussion of the word eaxle in line 1537a on my page on Shoulder Grabbing vs. Hair Pulling

    {At this moment Beowulf has just failed to hurt Grendel's mother with the sword Hrunting and he tries to wrestle her as he had done with Grendel. }

Mother of Grendel     man of War-Geats
Seized then by shoulder--     not at all shrank from feud;
Then brave-of-battle one flung,     when he was enraged,
Life enemy;     so that she on hall-floor fell.
She him again quickly     repaid reward
With grim grips,     and grappled towards him:
Fell over then, weary,     strongest of warriors,
Foot-warrior;     so that he upon fall came.
She sat then upon the hall-guest,     and drew her sax,
Broad and brown-edged;     she would avenge her bairn,
Only heir.     On shoulder of him lay
Breast-net braided;     it protected life;
Against point and against edge     it withstood entrance.
Then had perished     son of Ecgtheow
Under spacious ground,     warrior of Geats,
Except for him battle-byrnie     performed help,
War-net hard,--     and holy God
Wielded war-victory;     wise Lord,
Ruler of heavens,     decided it rightly,
Easily,     when he again stood up.
   He saw then among war-gears     victory-blest bill,
Ancient giant-sword     strong in edges,
Glory of warriors;     that was best of weapons,--
Except it was greater     than any other man
To battle-sport     could bear,
Strong and splendid,     work of giants.
He seized the linked-hilt,     bold one of Scyldings,
Savage and sword-grim;     he brandished ring-marked {sword};
Despairing of life,     he struck angrily;
So that her, against neck,     it grasped hard,
Broke bone-rings;     bill went entirely through
Fated body;     she on hall-floor cringed;
Sword was bloody;     man in work rejoiced.

[lines 1584b-1590 in section XXIII and 7th line from the bottom of folio 164v to first half of the last line of folio 164v on Kevin S. Kiernan's Electronic Beowulf CD] Images of the original manuscript text of this section, and an mp3 file of Ben Slade reading it in Old English, are here.

    {At this moment Beowulf has just discovered Grendel's lifeless body lying in the cave. }

---     He to him repaid reward therefor,
Fierce warrior,     to the point that he saw on bed,
Weary with battle,     Grendel lying,
Lifeless,     as before injured him
Battle of Heorot.     Body burst widely
When he, after death,     suffered a blow,
Sword-swing hard,     and at the head cut him off.

[lines 2672b-2708a in sections XXXVI and XXXVII and 8th line from the bottom of folio 189A197r, through folio 189A197v to 3rd line from the top of folio 189r on Kevin S. Kiernan's Electronic Beowulf CD] Images of the original manuscript text of this section, and an mp3 file of Ben Slade reading it in Old English, are here.

    {At this moment, Wiglaf has just run into the flames to be by Beowulf's side and the dragon has charged at them both, incinerating Wiglaf's shield. }

---     In flame-waves burned
Board up to boss;     byrnie could not
To young spear-fighter     perform help,
But the young man,     under shield of his kinsman,
Went valiantly     when his own was
With gleeds consumed.     Then further war-king
Remembered glorious deeds;     he struck with main-strength
With battle-bill;     so that it stuck in head,
Forced by violence;     Naegling burst asunder;
Failed at sack,     sword of Beowulf,
Ancient and grey-colored.     To him this thing was not granted,
That edges of irons     him might
Help in battle;     the hand was too strong
Which each of maces,     according to my information,
Overtaxed with stroke,     when he to sack bore
Weapon wondrously hard;     it was not for him by whit the better.
   Then was people-scather     for third time,
Fearful fire-drake,     mindful of feuds;
He rushed upon brave one,     when opportunity permitted him,
Hot and battle-grim;     all neck he enclosed
With sharp bones;     he became bloodied
With life-blood;     blood welled in waves.
   Then I {heard} at need     of people-king
Kindred earl     showed courage,
Ability and boldness,     as with him was natural
He heeded not the head,     but the hand burned
Of courageous man,     when he helped his kinsman;
So that he the malicious guest     somewhat lower down struck,
Man in war-gears;     so that the sword sank in,
Decorated and ornamented;     so that the fire began
To subside afterwards.     Then yet king himself
Wielded his wit;     he brandished slaughter-sax,
Bitter and battle-sharp,     which he on byrnie carried;
Protector of Weders cut through     worm in middle.
They felled foe;--     strength drove out life--,
And they him then both     had destroyed,
Related athelings;     --- --